Ryan Godfrey

Associate Director / AV + ICT Team Lead / Sydney

e: [email protected]
p: +61 2 8203 5447
m: +61 438 245 070

Ryan believes that collaboration with engineers is paramount to ensure that technology serves its users, enhances the built environment, and enriches experiences.

A profound love for music has shaped Ryan’s career, leading them on a path towards Audio Engineering. With a natural inclination for tinkering, Ryan has been dismantling and reconstructing computers and hardware from a young age, breathing new life into them. Inevitably, video became another medium intertwined with his passion for audio, and as technology has advanced, networking and ICT infrastructure have also become essential elements.

Working alongside ADP Consulting provides Ryan with the opportunity to synchronize the diverse aspects of design and engage in interdisciplinary discussions to achieve cohesive and enhanced outcomes.

Some career-defining projects include The Sydney Football Stadium (Allianz) and The Sydney Opera House Tide Project. Both projects were challenging yet highly rewarding as they required custom solutions with detailed design and coordination to facilitate many functions and technologies.

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