Vickie Huang

Associate / Sustainability Team Lead / Melbourne

e: [email protected]
p: +61 3 9521 1195

Vickie Huang is an experienced sustainability consultant, with in-depth sustainability expertise spanning the residential, commercial, education, and retail sectors.

Dedicated to transforming built environments through sustainable design, Vickie excels in influencing early-stage designs, providing guidance for town planning submissions, and conducting thorough daylight assessments to ensure enjoyable internal spaces.

As an early adopter of Green Star Buildings, Vickie has made significant contributions across a range projects, most recently across the build-to-rent and retail sectors.

Her involvement in The Social Quarter at Chadstone illustrates her commitment to achieving great sustainable design outcomes. Through initiatives aimed at reducing energy consumption, designing spaces that foster community engagement, and promoting healthier environments, Vickie has played a key role in shaping the project’s strategy. Currently, the project is pursuing a Green Star Buildings rating, one of the first projects globally to undergo this process.

With her expertise and dedication, Vickie actively contributes to the transformation of the built environment, striving to create a more resilient and sustainable world for future generations.

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